My first Magazine Sky & Telescope - 02.2019 | Page 3

1000 PHOTOS WITHOUT ELECTRICITY :LGHƬHOGLPDJLQJDVGHSLFWHGDERYHLVSRVVLEOH ZLWK HDVH 7KH IXOO\ PHFKDQLFDO2PHJRQ0LQL7UDFN/;PRXQWZRUNV MXVW OLNH D FORFN 1R SRZHU QHFHVVDU\1RFKDUJLQJ1REDWWHU\6LPSO\ PRXQW \RXU FDPHUD RQWR WKH /; DQGZLQGLWXS(DVLO\FDSWXUHZLGHƬHOGLPDJHV RI WKH FRVPRV RQ \RXU FDPHUD &ORFNZRUN 0HFKDQLFV ,QWHJUDWHG — 7KUHDGLQJ 7KH PRXQW ZRUNV OLNH D FORFN ZLWK  PLQXWH WUDFNLQJ  DOO ZLWKRXW SRZHU DQG batteries. Simply wind it up and get started. 7KH 0LQL7UDFN ƬWV HYHU\ SKRWRJUDSK\ WULSRG DQG IHDWXUHV WZR — WKUHDGV )RU H[DPSOH \RX FDQ FRQQHFW WKH 0LQL7UDFN WR a ball head and capture every part of the QLJKW VN\ 6OHHN DQG &RPSDFW 8S WR  NJ /RDG &DSDFLW\ :KHWKHU RQ D ƮLJKW RU RQ WKH QH[W QLJKW WLPH H[FXUVLRQ 7KH 0LQL7UDFN ƬWV LQWR every bag and still leaves room for a nice tripod or a second tele-photo lens. The mount enables you to capture ZLGHƬHOG LPDJHV RI WKH QLJKW VN\ )URP wide-angle to tele-photo lenses, so much is possible. 3RZHUIXO 6SULQJ 6\VWHP 3RODU )LQGHU 7XEH 7KH 0LQL7UDFN UHTXLUHV QR FRXQWHUZHLJKW WKH VSULQJ V\VWHP VXSSRUWV WUDFNLQJ 6SDUH yourself the weight and burden. :LWK WKH SRODU ƬQGHU tube, you can calibrate the 0LQL7UDFN TXLFNO\ WR WKH SRODU star. More than enough for a rough alignment. MiniTrack LX2: The First Fully Mechanical Photography Mount ball-head, camera and tripod not included! 2019 MiniTrack LX2 Scan for more info. Art.-Nr. Price in $ 55040 129.00 Photography Mount for the northern hemisphere WxHxD in mm 210x78x30, weight 15.2 Oz Photography Mount for the northern hemisphere incl. ball-head 7KH3UHVVVD\V “The resulting star shapes were impressive, showing no sign of trailing ... We would recommend the MiniTrack to users of any experience level as a simple PHDQVRIPRXQWLQJEDVLFLPDJLQJHTXLSPHQWIRUZLGHƬHOGLPDJLQJq (BBC Sky at Night) WxHxD in mm 210x78x130, weight 25.8 Oz 56106 159.00 NEW Photography Mount for the northern and southern hemisphere WxHxD in mm 250 x 78 x 30, weight 17.3 Oz 57993 159.00 NEW Photography Mount for the northern and southern hemisphere incl. ball-head WxHxD in mm 250 x 78 x 130, weight 27.9 Oz Order online at 60258 189.00