My first Magazine Skilletts_ January 2018 | Page 13

ACTIVITY REPORT December 2017 INDUSTRY ROUND TABLE MEETING - Thiruvananthapuram The industry round table meeting was held at Trivandrum Collectorate on 7th November 2017. Shri. V R Vinod, Deputy Collector (L R) & Execu- tive Magistrate, Trivandum, inaugurated the function and presidential address was delivered by Mr. Ramesh Chandran, General manager- Dis- trict Industries Center, Trivandrum. Smt. Suseela James, Head- Tech- nical division, ASAP, Mr. P.M Riyas, Head- Strategy and Mr. M.G Rajan, Senior Programme Manager presided over the meet- ing. Mr. P.M Riyas, Head- strategy, ASAP, in his key- note address detailed on the role of industrialists in skilling and the scope of upcoming Community Skill Park in the District in enhancing the employability of youth and facilitating the internships and placement of the trained candidates. Representatives from 58 indus- tries participated in the meeting and shared their suggestions and queries regarding the project. PROGRAMME REVIEW MEETING Programme review meeting was conducted on 21st and 22nd December, 2017. Dr. Sajith Ba- bu D, IAS – CEO ASAP delivered the introductory remarks. Review of status of skill training and presentation by District team was conducted. Mr. Riyas, Head- Strategy, explained the concept of Community Skill Parks and the role of the district team in the implementation of the Community Skill Parks. The concept of ASAP academy was shared by Dr Jaikiran KP and the strategies proposed were discussed upon. The summer skill campaign strategy was presented by Mr. Vivekanandan, Head- Communication. Sharing of best practices by Skill Development Executives from Kollam and Kasaragod districts was an inno- vative session in the programme. Finally, the meet- ing ended with a session by Mr.Praveen (Thoughts Academy) on Skilling in the world of VUCA. Skilletts— January– 2018 12