My first Magazine PSY 355 STUDY Exciting Results - PSY 355 STUDY | Page 11
We know that one’s emotions affect one’s facial muscles to produce theexpressions we
understand as happiness, sadness, anger, fear,frustration, etc. Is it also true, though that,
aside from regulatingintensity of an existing emotion, the muscles in one’s face can
createor change one’s emotions?
Before answering this DQ, please conduct all four steps of thefollowing experiment.
There are no right or wrong answers, so justrelax, don’t over think what you are doing,
and enjoy the experience! You will need a long pencil, pen, stiff straw, or chopstick, and
apiece of paper on which to write. You will be asked to complete anaction, and then to
record a couple of small bits of information. Whenyou record the information, write your
answers with your non-dominanthand. In other words, if you are right handed, write your
answersusing your left hand; if you are left-handed, write your answers usingyour right
hand. (Writing with one’s non-dominant hand accesses theintuitive, emotional side of
one’s brain.) To earn full credit forthis DQ, you must conduct the experiments yourself,
but feel free tohave a friend or family member also conduct this experiment, and
thencompare your answers.
1. Place the end of the pencil, pen, straw or chopstick between yourlips, then tighten
your lower lip so the pencil or stick flips upwardslightly. Mentally count to five, and then
(with the pencil still inplace), write with your non-dominant hand five to ten words to
2. Raise your eyebrows as high as you can, mentally count to five, andwhile your
eyebrows are raised, write with your non-dominant hand fiveto ten words that describe