My first Magazine project proposal (with format) | Page 41

Security and Health Issues According to travel medicine guidelines for Tanzania, immunisation against the following entities is required: • Yellow fever • Typhoid fever • Rabies • Poliomyelitis • Tetanus-diphtheria • MMR • Hepatitis A and B Prophylaxis against malaria should be administered to every traveller before, during and after the course. The organising committee will ensure the administration of the essential prophylaxis and will make sure that the participants’ immunisation profile meets the designated requirements. The required agents will be administered to the participants in close cooperation with state actors, as specified in the greek guidelines for travel medicine. During the seminar, every participant will be subscribed for premium travellers’ health insurance under Swisscare ® . Given the medical profile of the participants and for the rapid coverage of any acute medical needs, the organising committee will be carrying a portable first aid kit. Among others, it will include antibiotics, eye drops, ointments, antihistaminic agents, corticosteroids, cardiological, gastro- intestinal agents, injected psychiatric drugs, antiretroviral drugs, painkillers, anti-mosquito products, sunscreen protection and other first aid items. To minimise the impact of acute events, a security plan will be developed to be implemented in case of emergency. It will include prediction of possible threats, measures to control the resulting impact and evacuation plans. The local focal point (Tanzanian Training Centre for International Health) will have an active role in the development of emergency plans. Communications Participants will be provided a non-luxurious portable cell phone device to operate during their stay in Tanzania. A local telecommunications SIM card will be purchased and will be filled with 15 euro credit. This will enable the communications among the participants themselves, as well as with their relatives in Greece. Wi-fi connections and local internet networks will be used to facilitate communications. Wi-fi is provided with the accommodation centre. A list including participants’ phone numbers and other useful numbers will be created by the organising committee and will be administered to the participants . 41