My first Magazine project proposal (with format) | Page 39

Participants In total, 20 participants will be selected. Two separate calls for participants will be made. The first one, will be broad aiming to attract a large pool of participants interested in the course. The second one, will be targeted to healthcare professionals with a global health background (i.e. active students of the master’s programme and alumni, travel medicine professionals etc). The main criteria for selection include academic and/or working experience in the field of global health, scientific interest in specific global health domains, personal traits that safeguard security in the destination country, motivation to acquire scientific knowledge in global health. A careful evaluation of their CVs and the attached cover letters for the following points will enable an efficient shortlisting. Interviews with shortlisted participants will be organised, if detailed evaluation of the participants’ profile is required. Priority will be given to students and alumni members of the MSc programme “Global Health - Disaster Medicine”. These are healthcare professionals already trained in the field of global health who will be an added value to the seminar. Other healthcare professionals with relative background or particular interest in global health will be accepted to participate in the course, if the number of the former does not reach the required one. Special effort will be made for the formation of an inter- professional team, so that a multidisciplinary approach can be applied during the course. After the selection, all participants will be informed about their status via e-mail. Until their journey participants will be provided detailed information regarding the country of destination, the local community, the facilities, the programme of the course etc. This will be achieved via e-mail and the formation of a special participant booklet. Approximately a month before departure, participants will be asked to take part in a preparatory workshop, during which accurate information will be provided to them. The information will refer to the journey, the stay in Tanzania, the educational programme, the post-course activities etc. Security issues and code of conduct will hold an important position in the agenda of the workshop. Questions will be answered and possible misinformation will be made clear. The organising committee will create a survival booklet to be carried by participants in Ifakara. It will include all the important information about the course, as well as useful information for going around in Ifakara. 39