My first Magazine project proposal (with format) | Page 35

Academic quality and Educators Educational staff of the MSc “Global Health - Disaster Medicine” are responsible for the academic quality of the seminar. The topics raised take into consideration the local epidemiology of Ifakara, the national disease profile of Tanzania, the social and cultural beliefs etc. Medical staff trained in global and travel medicine from the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens and from the Tanzanian Training Centre for International Health (TTCIH) will accompany the participants and will facilitate the lectures of the agenda, making sure that the knowledge provided best fits the participants’ needs. Experienced medical staff of St. Francis Referral Hospital will monitor the participants’ daily presence in the hospital clinics, so as to ensure the security of procedures and to safeguard the unhindered provision of knowledge with sensitivity and social responsibility. The official language of the seminar is going to be english and a certificate of excellent knowledge will be requested by the participants. 35