My first Magazine project proposal (with format) | Page 25
Ifakara Women Weavers’ Association
The Ifakara Women Weavers project was started by a Danish NGO in 1983 with the goal of helping
impoverished female school leavers from the Kilombero and Ulanga districts.
These rural areas host a large number of disadvantaged young people, who leave school without
sufficient skills or training to find well-paid jobs and support their families. The situation is known
to be particularly bad for young women, for whom opportunities beyond the farm are few and far
between. Further education for girls is not a high priority for parents, themselves struggling to make
ends meet, and unlike their male classmates, they cannot easily move to the big cities to look for
Ten years after the project was initially started, MS-the Danish NGO helped women to found an
association so as to run and manage the project themselves. Ifakara Women Weavers Association
(IWWA) was founded in 1993 and is still running today.
Source: (accessed 5.1.2019)