My first Magazine project proposal (with format) | Page 23
Nazareti Leprosarium
The Nazareti Leprosarium dates back to 1967, just six years after the independence
declaration of Tanzania. It was founded by the Diocese of Innsbruck (Austria) under
Bishop Dr. Paulus Rusch. The leprosarium has a rich history and later on evolved to
St. Francis Referral Hospital. Although the number of leprosy patients has decreased
dramatically in the recent years, the state of Tanzania holds a leprosy control strategy,
mostly dealing with the deformity and the handicap caused by the disease.
Ifakara Nursing School
The Edgar Maranta School of Nursing is a faith based institution owned by the Catholic Diocese of
Ifakara. It is fully registered as a training institution for nursing and partners with eminent health
institutions in Tanzania, such as the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare (MoHSW), Tanzania
Nurses and Midwives Council (TNMC), St. Francis Referral Hospital (SFRH), St. Francis
University College of Health and Allied Sciences (SFUCHAS), the Ifakara Health Institute (IHI)
and the Tanzanian Training Centre for International Health (TTCIH).
The Nursing School educates students in a variety of courses by providing valuable theoretical and
practical knowledge (a special skills lab with clinical simulation is included in the curriculum of the
school). It also possesses a computer lab equipped with 30 computers, which enable e-learning and
the implementation of new technologies in university education.
Source: (accessed 5.1.2019)