My first Magazine named Liberalism | Page 11




This article is about the liberal approach on the black lives matter question. First i am going to give an short explanation what the liberalism is and what they stand for. Liberalism is an political philosophy based on protecting and enhancing the freedom of every individual no matter their race, religion, political standpoints etcetera.

Black lives matter because all lives matter. It matters because they are children, sisters. Brothers, fathers and mothers. You can’t put people down just because they have a different colour. This is wrong and animal like behaviour. There has been a lot of violence against black people and this has to stop immediately. Their lives matter because the injustices they face steal from all of us, from the coloured people and from the white people.

Racism are the civil rights and social justice issues of our time. But it's not just a problem that started in our time. The racism of black people already begun a very long time ago. It al started with the black slavery. The situation for the black people has improved. But the racism is still a problem.

A thing that is a very big problem of this time is the racial profiling. The police does this a lot. Racial profiling is the act of suspecting or targeting a person of a certain race based on a stereotype about their specific race.

The conclusion is that Black lives matter, and that the racism, the unequal treatment and the violence against black people has to stop immediately.