Warm Greeting from Leading
Strategical Gear Brand in Indonesia
Indonesian armed forces strategic product
industry has been evolved due to operators
understanding to protect themselves from any
harm on their duty. Therefore, our leading
Brand became trendsetter since then. Known
as a brand which produce the most innovated
tactical gear in Indonesia.
We recently define it “Strategical” to view
a broader scope of tactical gear products. We
believe that tactical gears are not only seen as
anoperator suit, but also used by anyone who
need durable, versatile, and innovative
products in their life.
Previously we limit our customer to armed
forces operators, but we realize that not only
them which serving the country. We widen the
meaning of “Serves” in our motto “Protect the
One Who Serves” became anyone who fight for
his own values. Doctor which serve in country
border, teacher in remote area, or even
entrepreneurs which struggle for isolated area
We ask you to not hesitate for any input on our
products, we pledged ourselves to improve our
products in fulfilling our mission to become the
world class strategical gear to protect the
one who serves.