My first Magazine Mistakes SMEs Do in Marketing | Page 2

SMEs often are found lacking in having a proper marketing plan for their business due to lack of clear vision about their own businesses i.e. what their business goals are, how is their business different from that of their competitors. As a result, many a time, small business owners end up spending too much on adopting wrong marketing techniques. Like every plan in a business, marketing, too, should have a proper layout which is based on the insights about one’s own business and goals. Not Having Online Presence Your marketing starts from having your presence on the internet – that is a website for your business. SMEs often think they are too small or too local to run an online presence, so they do not require a website at all. But the truth is customers use internet as the first channel to find out products and solutions provider for their needs. So, a website for your business will only add up to the identity building process of your business among customers, both local and global. Not Targeting Right Customers The very basic mistake that small business owners commit is that they do not earmark their target customer group and so they target all as their customers. When it comes to marketing you need to narrow down your target to a recognizable group so you can use best use marketing approaches that work more effectively. A tricky situation that arises here is too often small business owner are some time too blinded by their the idea about target customer segment that they fail to recognize an actually potential customer segment that goes unnoticed. Not Focusing on Social Media Marketing Those business owners who are averse to using new marketing approaches show a dull face to using social media marketing. It is true, although, that small business owners often do not have the time to spend in social media marketing. But this platform can be actually be rewarding and an ideal platform for small business owners. Social media marketing is one of the most affordable and effective marketing techniques for business owners who can focus their efforts and maximize their time spent on social media to yield big results. A key point to remember here is once they start social media marketing they should avoid abrupt absence from it. Since customer these days search online and keep track of your product and solutions online, if a potential customer sees no activity, that often leaves them wondering if you are still in business and they move on to the next company. So, choose your channel wisely and keep updated. About Us Impals Marcom LLP is the Digital Marketing company established in Pune. Impals Marcom LLP provides following services- Media Relations, Marketing Collaterals, Branding, Market Research, Digital Marketing, Website Development, Designing, Content Marketing, Content Writing, Consultation Our team consists of experienced professionals from a diversified background with one common interest, i.e. providing the best possible solution that matches your business line. We are highly devoted to serving you with creative and upgraded solutions that are dynamic yet feasible. Our copywriters are