My first Magazine May 2017 issue | Page 8

MANAGEMENT TEACHING MAY 2017 MANAGEMENT TEACHING - CREATIVITY AND INNOVATION CANVAS FOR LOCAL INTERVENTIONS IN ANDRAGOGY . A must needed tool kit of forever refreshing Andragogy for management courses today. Introduction: The candid confessions with my corporate colleagues, the brainstorming with my alumni and my burning desire of passion to only give quality helped me to chart down and prepare me always for the ne tuning of the Andragogy to be delivered through a rigour of creativity and innovation interventions. This is the burning question which needs to be addressed through a Kaleidoscope which integrates knowledge – functional and academic, skill a n d c o u r a g e t o t a ke t h e decisions by being responsible and accountable with a ery use of values and ethics to build the character and revolve around the ever haunted question of getting employed. These young aspirants who seek the admission to the management courses need unique value propositions in everything that they learn and unlearn during their m a n a g e m e n t r i g o u r . The presentation and delivery of the management courses needs a s i g n a t u r e m a ke o v e r w i t h unique concoction of hands on for these young and curious management aspirants of today and tomorrow. What thought then occurred to me as an expert and a facilitator is to make the Andragogy for these young learners more understood as “need friendly”. The need friendly dimension includes delivery of functional and academic knowledge connected to resolve local management issues sur rounding the business environment irrespective of the sector and business which then gets displayed and delivered during the campus to corporate transactions. The whole journey for me began by a ver y common rationale of visualising myself as a student sitting in the classroom for a 90 minutes class for on an average 4 subjects to be listened to, through different experts and through different tools, what would hook me on or get me engaged at least for 50 minutes without any distraction was my rst hurdle to crossover as a facilitator. Phew! Difcult challenge, but not impossible... amidst the schools of thoughts and the never ending debates between theory and quantitative subjects of which being more scoring and not more scoring still continues even today. Interestingly looking at the forte that I come from curiosity and hands on experience or getting on eld to test and verify the different fundamentals or 04 theories in the real world of corporate always made me engineer my interventions to get the right tment for the delivery. The best chemistry or formulae which worked in my Andragogy is to look at local management problems in and a ro u n d i n t h e c o r p o r a t e market and revolve around it by discussing the fundamentals. Interestingly the subject of General management like principles of management and perspectives could be delivered to them by making them work in all the festivals across Mumbai city. This could be as simple and complex as managing faith of devotees who visit their deity lord Ganpati or bidding him good bye after his long stay with his bhaktas all across the city. It could cover the local management of the festivals which can cross boundaries to understand the famous human pyramid festival of ( D a h i Handi) to get the talent hiring, selection and job descriptions and specications right. The cricket match format could be well surveyed to understand the positioning and selling of it as a business opportunity and how the local sports could be given a boost by making the students understand the p ro b l e m s a s s o c i a t e d a n d decisions to be taken.