MAY 2017
'Life Skills' - A catalyst to Discover the Genius You
“Everybody is a genius. But if you
judge a sh by its ability to climb a
tree, it will live its whole life
believing that it is stupid.”
- Albert Einstein.
Studies reveal that 76% of parents
are focused on bringing up their
children to be 'good people'. We all
know that the world is changing
fast. What we think we can take for
granted at one moment has
completely changed the next. None
of us can predict with condence
what any given aspect of life or work
will look like in ve or ten years'
time. Most people associate
learning with a formal education
but learning should, be a lifelong
process that enhances a child's
understanding of the world and
improves his or her quality of life.
Understanding of the world and
improved quality of life require 'Life
Skills'. These are abilities to enable
us to deal effectively in day to day
life. These skills are well-being
oriented and we call them
'psychosocial competencies. They
include organizing, scheduling,
social etiquette, conversation
handling, responsibility and
i n d e p e n d e n c e , re s p e c t i n g
differences and nancial literacy.
Children these days face many
pressures from external and as well
as internal sources. With the
concept of diminishing of joint
families and existence of micro
families' children have no one to go
to like grandparents, uncles and
more so since in many cases both
parents are working. There is a lot of
pressure on students today, to
perform at school and there is even
more pressure within the peer
group. They have a fear of failure
or worrying about tting in the
There are many issues within a
family unit too for example now
days with both parents working and
unreasonably high family
expectations being placed on the
child and lack of time given to
children. Due to busy schedules of
the parents they don't spend quality
time together. Television, internet
and cell phones have contributed to
this problem . Children get
distracted easily. There is a change
in their eating habits with easy
availability of fast food. There is
absence of the right role model and
the world has become more
These are the common challenges
faced by every parent and parents
are trying to cope with this but there
is a gap or a vacuum. How can we
possibly prepare them for the
constant challenges that lie
ahead? Do we want them to
understand how to interact with
others? Or How do we teach them
to manage their time, money and
Teaching 'Life skills' is becoming an
important part of raising a child.
But a recent study has revealed that
children are losing touch with vital
life skills due to overuse of digital
devices. Children need to be taught
to cope with the world.
Life skills help children know what
to do in everyday situations as well
as how to make good decisions and
manage peer pressure. It helps
children to communicate more
effectively which in turn helps them
in problem solving and resolving
conicts. It enables them to become
responsible, caring and productive
citizens. Ultimately 'Life Skills'
makes them be not just 'Book-
Smart', but also 'Street Smart'.
Life skills cannot be taught directly.
It is a learning with real life
experiences and practices.
Activities can be planned that will
help children develop powers of
observation and can also develop
skills that allow them plan
independently. Wherein children
depict their interests, hobbies,
school experiences and
interpersonal skills. Computers and
technologies have assumed to play
an important role in our daily lives.
But it should be used effectively.
Children should be good listeners as
well as they should learn to speak
freely. Encourage positive attitude
of children and ensure constructive
interactions. Which will help
nurturing their creative skills.
Children can be prepared to enter
the real world with critical 'Life
Skills' of life.
Savneet Bhasin
Chief Executive Ofcer, Springboard by Uplearn
Contact: +91 98330 11268 | Web: www.uplearn.world