My first Magazine May 2017 issue | Page 37

5 HABITS OF HIGHLY STYLISH WOMEN MAY 2017 5 Habits of Highly Stylish Women W hat does it mean to be “stylish”? Does it mean that you always have to wear the latest trends, the best designer clothes, or make a fashion statement? What if your style is more toned down than what you see on The Page 3.Does this mean you're not really as “fashionable” as you thought you were? Not at all! Being stylish doesn't mean any of the above, but we can say that stylish people tend to have certain habits that the others don't possess. Here's what I have learned as an I m a g e C o n s u l t a n t , Fa s h i o n Enthusiast, Personal Branding and Ex- Compulsive Shopper. 1) They have realistic positive body image hence they have high self-esteem and high condence They are comfortable with their bodies but not laid back. They are passionate about tness and eating healthy is more like a lifestyle choice. Dressing is not about weight, shape or size. They exactly know what looks good on them. They know to convert their weakness (so called in denitions of the ideal body image created by the media) into strength. Think Nandita Das sporting her dusky skin, Michelle Obama, Meghan Trainor and much more. Stylish women are at peace with themselves and they understand style isn't about trends, it's about themselves. They don't follow any rules, they make their own rules. 2) They understand labels don't make them cooler. They aren't slaves to fashion It sounds cliché, but the most stylish women—and men, for that matter in the world are ones who have condence, and who know they don't need the $700 sweatshirt or $2,000 handbag to make themselves appear cool. These folks can step out in a faded gray tee and jeans and still look like the coolest person in the room all because they have condence (okay ne, and probably a killer haircut, too). Some of the most stylish people are able to have fun with fashion and follow trends without looking like a slave. If you don't like a trend even if every blogger under the sun is wearing it—don't buy into it. It's that simple. 3) They don't try to perfect! They always look a little less “done” than everyone else They are at ease dressing well come easily and naturally. They never try too hard and try leaving a part of their outt like a lace undone or sleeves not folded perfectly. Hair undone or the shirt half untucked and yet end up looking effortlessly stylish. Highly stylish people are often in the habit of always appearing a teeny tiny bit too cool for every scenario they're in. This might mean wearing a pair of slip-on sneakers when every other girl is teetering on sky-high heels. 4) They always have a STATEMENT PIECE They will always have that one statement piece. A ring, a creative clutch in silk or zari border or encrusted with kundan, a lapel pin or an interesting tie pin with an insect on it. "Less is more” when it comes to jewellery and makeup, stylish women recognize that the eye can only take in so many competing items, colors, and textures at a time. 5) They are a package They know that being stylish is not only about clothes, about being well groomed, having high levels of hygiene and smelling great at all times , They have a winning posture It's not just the clothes that are important -- it's how you wear them .Stylish women know that clothes drape better over properly aligned bodies that walk tall. Take note of your posture as you walk or stand. Every time you feel yourself slouching, make a point of readjusting and standing up straight, hold your head high , make eye contact have a great rm handshake , have respectful manners and be empathetic, have a killer purposeful walk and automatically you will be a head turner with your condent dazzling smile. Kalyani Kamble 33