My first Magazine May 2017 issue | Page 32


How we wish

How we wish , money could take care of itself ! But the sad truth is , that once you earn some money , protecting its worth is a different ball game altogether . If you plan on keeping your hard earned money in your locker , it is only a matter of time before in�ation starts eating into its value .

Change is the only constant , is a proverb applicable to our lives . However , it is our responsibility to ensure that it applies to our money as well . It needs to keep changing owners , assets it has been invested into and safe houses . The last one is for the ones who have a lot of coloured money and you ' re expecting a meeting of government of�cials at your doorstep . You ' ve got to be careful !
Hi , I ' m Falguni Shah . You can s a y t h a t I w a s a b o r i n g Pathologist turned into a happy Financial Advisor . I know how to increase the value of my & your money . Obviously I ' ll be happy .
Barack Obama has conveyed to all of the USA , what all of us need to understand in terms of our �nance . I quote him , “ Change will not come if we wait for some other person or other time .” Even though this is probably the worst interpretation of what he said and an entirely different context , it is totally apt for our �nances . We are the ones who ' ve got to make the correct decisions and make appropriate investments , as we all know that de�ation is only theoretical , at least in a developing country like ours .
With a plethora of investment opportunities available in the current �nancial systems , this is where I , as a �nancial advisor come into the picture . I made a very humble beginning under the name FUSEC AMCo ., where FUSEC stands for Future Securities . I have been handling a number of client portfolios , both domestic and international , now for a period of 10 years , with the number only increasing year after year .
With time I ' ve realized the importance of being �nancially literate and independent , and thus at FUSEC AMCo , I aim to empower people at all ages to take responsibility of the wealth they possess . Younger the age at w h i c h o n e t a ke s u p t h i s responsibility , greater are the chances of being �nancially stable in the future . Hence , I have taken it upon myself to educate the future of this country , about the importance of money management , even if it is only a matter of 50 to 100 rupees .
Talking about the ease with which one can secure his future , personal �nancial management is 80 % your own behavior and discipline and only 20 % market r e l a t e d a n d i n v e s t m e n t knowledge
How apt is this phrase ?
The following scenario will clear all your doubts .
Case 1 : A person earning handsome salary , might not be able to have a decent dependable corpus amount for his retirement and household expenses , due to unhealthy spending practices , impulsive investments and starting to save later in life .
On the other hand ;
Case 2 : A person having a mediocre yearly income and he starts saving small amounts at a younger age , in a disciplined m a n n e r a n d w i t h p ro p e r g u i d a n c e , h a s a g r e a t e r possibility of achieving his �nancial goals in the short term and the long term . It can be achieved due to the miracles of the “ power of compounding ”