My first Magazine May 2017 issue | Page 30


Y & S Dance Academy


& S Dance Academy is a premier belly dance school based in Mumbai . The founders of Y & S dance academy are Yagna Chheda & Smita Kadam , both with a wide experience of ten years in c o n d u c t i n g c l a s s e s a n d workshops They are two women who have dreams in their heart , dare in their minds and dance in their souls . Their dance and their teaching style is a strong re�ection of their
belief in holistic health and positive energy dynamics .
Y & S Dance Academy was incepted with a unique vision :
• To create awareness of B e l l y d a n c e i n I n d i a . To allow the Indian Woman the experience of the power and liberation of Bellydance .
• To integrate Bellydance techniques , exercise , yoga , relaxation , mindfulness and spirituality into a unique experience and to integrate it as a way of life .
About Yagna …
Yagna , an Interior Designer by quali�cation and a mother of a lovely four year old daughter , has found her calling in Bellydance since 10 years . Bor n and brought up in Muscat , she came to India for her higher studies . She got introduced to art of bellydance post her marriage and found herself getting deeply involved in the grace of bellydance . She soon started assisting her teacher in taking classes and got trained as an instructor . She quit her job as an Interior designer to pursue her passion o f d a n c i n g a n d h a d h e r husband ’ s support encouraging her . Things took a turn after she lost her husband in a car accident leaving her as a single parent for their one year old daughter . Post this incident she found herself in a situation where she could not connect with dance and had almost thought of quiting . But the true nature of the soul can never be suppressed and deep within she knew she had to get back and by God ’ s grace and support from family and friends , she did make a comeback not only for herself but for her husband who would always want to see her ful�lling her dream of connecting with her true self through dancing and at the sametime help many women to connect with themselves through the graceful yet powerful form of bellydance . Even after she made her comeback in dancing , it was not a smooth ride with taking care of daughter and handling family responsibilities . But nothing is impossible if you know what you want to do . As she puts it in her own words “ M o t h e rh o o d k e e p s m e h a p p i l y m o v i n g a n d B e l l y d a n c e k e e p s m e beautifully grooving ”
To spread the awareness of the bene�ts of Belly dance and yoga for pregnant women , she has l a u n c h e d h e r D V D “ Bellydance and Yoga in Pregnancy ” which was shot when she was 7 months pregnant