31. Recreate a Movie Scene:
Revive a movie scene and
imitate characters.
24. Call an Old Friend: Catch
up with your old friend.
25. Make a Vision Board:
Place pictures or even words
like Happiness, Success etc on
the pin board to achieve them
in life.
MAY 2017
28. Shop Online: Search
some cool stuff online and not
delay in buying that stuff.
29. Write Random Stuff:
Write some random thoughts,
quotes that pop into your
32. YouTube Challenges: Try
out some cool, funny and
i n t e r e s t i n g Yo u Tu b e
Hope you guys like these
ideas. See you next time with
more info and useful stuff.
26. Make a to do List: Plan
your activities for today,
tomorrow or coming days.
30. Research the Life of a
Celebrity: Research the life of
a celebrity (other than your
celebrity crush).
27. Learn New Language:
Learn a couple of words in
foreign language per day.
Sonami Kumar
Web : www.road2ramp.com