My first Magazine Manufacturing Really Needs To Adopt Marketing | Page 2
good as any other and you are as far any other from your potential customers. So, the very question
arises: ‘Does manufacturing need marketing?’
But then, manufacturing has always had the support of marketing for branding! Each and every
manufacturing company has, for sure, a separate sales and marketing team or department. Then what
more manufacturers should do to streamline their marketing strategy.
From product centric marketing approach, focus has shifted to customer centric marketing approach.
Success and growth of business depend on good quality products, faster reach to the market, and
overall customer satisfaction.
Prospects Analysis
Decision on which marketing strategies to use starts with thinking like the customers who actually use
your products or may use. You should learn end user’s demographics, including their interests, the
reasons why they buy their product and who is most likely to make purchase decisions. Share this
valuable information with your resellers and distributors to give them the tools and motivation to sell. In
addition, learn everything you can about what makes your resellers want to sell your product, as this
gives you additional ways to encourage them to sell more.
Resellers and Distributors
Finding an outside dealer, agent or independent representative requires you to hold them accountable
for reaching sales goals. Motivating your resellers to get out there and sell your product may require
incentives for both them and their management team once sales goals are met. Once your product line
is well established, look for a distributor to help you reach more resellers. Distributors represent a
variety of products that they convince suppliers to buy, ideal if you’re trying to break into larger markets
or big box stores.
Buy advertising space in industry-specific magazines related to your products to attract resellers or
distributors. If you sell directly to consumers, use your target market analysis to determine which
publications your prospective buyer is most likely to read. Get word out about your products by renting
a booth at industry tradeshows so resellers and distributors learn about your new product and want to
represent it.
Having said this, it is also true that Manufacturers practicing these traditional marketing methods such
as reseller channels, traditional print advertising, cold-calling, unsolicited email blasts, trade shows and
so on should adopt new age marketing as much as it has embraced changes everywhere.
Content Marketing Is the Way Forward
Buyers of manufactured goods often start their search online, so you need to create content on your
website that grabs their attention and makes them want to get in touch with you. The content you
develop needs to be written to meet the needs of your potential customers, such as by mentioning how
your products solve their problems or fit in with their existing operations. Describe the market for the
product, including the demographics you researched, and explain why people want to buy the item.
Include strong calls of action to get potential resellers or distributors to sign up for your email marketing
list or to request more information about your products.