My first Magazine Joana Cifre cerda | Page 11

Through this performance I experienced what Steve Connor calls “ slow going ”. Connor differentiates “ going slowly ” from “ slow going ”. The first is “ something we attempt to do to time ; “ slow going ” is what time does to us , through us ” ( Connor , 2014,116 ).
I feel that it is important to find a language and a voice with which to be able to articulate the studio practice avoiding what I had imagined were a prescribed set of rules .
It seems that “ going slowly ” is something that we can choose to do and as Connor says “ has a good reputation ” ( Connor , 2014 , 116 ). It is what is advocated in meditation / Zen / mindfulness . It is deemed to be good for us to escape the fast pace of western life . However , “ slow going ” seems to be something that is imposed on us . In “ Slow going ” there is a “ loss of temporal relativity ” ( Connor , 2014 , 118 ) in which time seems to move slower than it actually is ……. And we don ’ t like it … we stress about it … we want to gather up speed , to get on .