The HR & OB Society
HR Q uiz !
Q1) X is a workplace trend that is now being questioned by researchers and has been shown
to actually reduce productivity. As per an HBR study, X, counter-intuitively, actually reduced
face time between employees by as much as 70% and increased email communication
between 22-50% thus achieving the exact opposite of what it was supposed to achieve.
Identify the workplace trend, X.
Q2) Robert Hohman, while working for Expedia, once accidentally left the results of an
employee survey on the printer. Discussing with Expedia founder, Rich Barton, what would
have happened had the contents of the survey gone public due to Hohman’s mistake led to
both the gentlemen agreeing that it would have benefitted a lot of potential job seekers. This
is the story behind the founding of which famous company?
Q3) The Latin translation of what phrase/term is loosely, ‘the course of my life’?
Faculty of Management Studies, Delhi