The HR & OB Society
A U nique W ay of A ddressing HR C hallenges
magine a friend of yours named Kaushik, who approaches you saying he has put
on weight recently and wants to lose 5kgs in the next 2 months. He wants you to
help him decide how to achieve this goal. You begin by finding out his eating habits
and his current fitness levels. You then design his fitness regime consisting of a detailed daily
plan of exercises. You suggest to Kaushik that he give it a try and let you know how he feels.
Based on his feedback after two weeks, you make any changes to the plan if necessary. The
process you went through is the essence of design thinking!
“ Design Thinking is increasingly being used in the field of HR to solve key
challenges such as employee engagement, creating quality employee experience
embracing change, leadership development & fostering a culture of continuous
Faculty of Management Studies, Delhi