The HR & OB Society
Now let us DEFINE the problem. The problem is that she is not getting a chance to really
communicate with her team. The only time she is with them is the 30-minute lunch break.
When we sit close to our team members, we learn amongst ourselves which is the biggest
problem here. She is not getting a chance to learn from her seniors/team members. Another
major problem is the lack of social interaction. Remember what Maslow’s need hierarchy
talks about? S would want to feel that sense of belonging in the organisation and would want
to feel a connect with her team members. The HR here now needs to IDEATE how to solve
the problem. They need to think creatively on how can they solve this problem. Maybe they
can make S a part of the
team that sits in row 5.
Maybe they can shift
members to another row
so that S and the future
new recruits can sit with
at least half of their
team. The HR team will
and finally TEST the
ideas to understand
whether this will lead to
S - and all the other
future recruits – feeling more engaged in the organisation.
Faculty of Management Studies, Delhi