My first Magazine Feminizine | Page 5

05 Friend. A person who takes care of you and who you take care of, a person never further than a phone call, a person who makes you feel safe when fear is so close to taking over. A person who makes you laugh, a person you can be vulnerable with and a person capable of hurting you. I’ve looked into eyes, thrown the word love in an attempt to feel secure. In an attempt to recreate the safety and warmth of those Friday nights I once had. As if laughs, hugs, and secrets were all we needed. I’ve propped the entirety of myself up against friendships never questioning the devotion of myself because that’s something friends don’t have to do. In the heat of a heartfelt talk or a tear-inducing laugh, how could we think anything less than always? Sometimes I hate that trust I learned from Mia; sometimes I think how naive it is to trust so easily, sometimes I wish friendships never had to end, never had to change. That you can laugh with someone you can cry with someone and that the bond you form will be forever. But time and people have proved this dream false. Friendships evolve and grow, and sometimes friendships fall apart. Mia didn’t deliberately fall apart, but she did fall away, and though their causes are different their results are the same. We are absent from each other’s lives and though this was a natural, perhaps even unpreventable progression, it still hurts. Losing people actively or passively is painful, I knew that at nine when I left my home, I knew that at 14 when I said goodbye to Mia, and I’ve become reacquainted with that now at 16 as I try and distill some sense from the twisting breathing friendships I find myself in. The older I’ve gotten, the more intense these divergences feel, Mia prepared to trust and love, but she did not prepare me nearly enough for the loss. But what if I still have something yet to learn from her? What if her impact on me isn’t done? What if those Fridays still exist for us always waiting seemingly out of reach? What if I haven’t lost her? There is this theory out there that when we die our souls remain undeparted for as long as you are held in the memories of the living. Your soul will die with the last time you are remembered, the last time your name is spoken when the world is indifferent to you and you to the world. Think about this. That under this theory a person might not be thought of or mentioned for centuries, yet they must stay because they haven’t reached the end, The soul can never know if it has reached the end until it is there and at that point, indifference has taken over. In a similar way, one could think of friendship. If indifference doesn’t yet exist, then we must not be at the end.