My first Magazine Feminizine | Page 2

Editor’s Letter : Dear readers, Ever since I was little, I was taught that a woman should have a less ambitious career than her husband, should dress and act femininely, and should be more well-mannered than a man. I was always eager to challenge these social expectations, but I never had a space to express my ideas. Coming from a different background, I wasn’t introduced to the concept of feminism until I came to Putney, my boarding high school in the US. When I first heard the idea of gender equality, I was fascinated and empowered. However, I was hesitant to admit that I was a feminist because I wasn’t able to accept the “Free the Nipple” movement or abandon my cosmetics. From exploring and discussing, I learned there were many kinds of feminists in the world and not just one kind. While I feel delighted to have opportunities to change how much I conform to expectations, I feel regretful for women who don’t have the courage or opportunity to challenge social norms. I also believe that a lot of people are packed with confusion when they hear the idea of feminism just like I was when I was sixteen. This is why I generated an idea of creating a magazine, not only for Putney students but also for teenagers outside Putney. This magazine presents many varieties of feminism and people’s struggles with identifying as a feminist through articles, interviews, and artwork. Whether you identify as a feminist, not a feminist, or somewhere in between, this magazine will be thought-provoking. I hope Feminizine will be a place that you can find inspiration, enlightenment, and a feeling of resonance. I want to give special thanks to my family, who always wholeheartedly support me, to faculty members at Putney and students who are willing to contribute. I could not have made this a reality without all of you. From the experience of making this magazine, I feel confident and empowered by discussing, interviewing, writing, revising and photographing, and I have never felt so great to admit that I am a feminist! I hope you can also find a form of empowerment for yourself and enjoy this very first issue of my magazine! Hui Lin Chief Editor and Art Director of Feminizine