My first Magazine Feminizine | Page 10

10 I’m trapped. I can’t breathe. Well, I could, but I can’t. There is heat from the sun, blazing on my back. There is heat. I’m sitting amongst the furnaces, inside the flame, untouched by charcoal or burns. There is a sun but I can’t see it. Well, I could, but I can’t. There is wind in my right ear, yelling at me. So loud, So loud. All I hear blends into a symphony of screams. I can’t yell back. Well, I could, but I can’t. because all the shadows talk to me. The sounds I hear are the whispers of a chorus,“don’t turn” they say, “don’t turn” and I don’t. I can’t defy, All I can do is feel. I can feel the water creeping up higher and higher flooding my everything, drowning me, but not the sounds, not the voices. The whispers more present than ever. They don’t leave, they don’t need to leave, I don’t want them to leave. They are the only source of energy I have. Over all the noise, all I can do is look at that wall. It has become the only thing I can see. I tricked them.