E D I T O R I A L 4 PUBLISHER Afam Odusola-Stevenson 0805 565 5207 E-mail:[email protected] E ducare SEPTEMBER 2018 N500 the complete career magazine PARTNER/CONSULTANT Orie M. Vann (Mrs.) [email protected] Kenneth odusola-Stevenson [email protected] MARKETING Vivian Chinyere Aforka CONTRIBUTORS Bayo Adebayo-Egbayelo Kunle Odusola-Stevenson Lauretta “Tega Ozodiane Biola Sally Omoni Festus Oseji Tamralyn Gabriel Tunde Aiyenitaju Dr. Godwin Agbude ASSOCIATES Nat. Odusola-stevenson Sola Ikuejuyone Adama Wilson Damilola Balogun Sandra Mojekwu Paul Oluwola David Johnson Daniel Stephen PUBLISHING BY Natafamdavid Consulting Nigeria Limited [email protected] 14, Shofidiya Close, Off Ilesanmi St. Masha, Surulere, Lagos Nigeria Tel: 234 805 976 4839 Mobile: 234 170 1674 099 E-mail: [email protected] Educare November 2019 educarelearning 49 REWARDING LEADERS AND GREAT SCHOOLS I am excited to address everyone present today. First of all I extend a very warm welcome to the Commissioner of Education, Lagos State, Mrs. Folashade Adefisayo, all our speakers, Mrs. Denis Uzoma Ejoh, Nancy Ekpezu and Mrs. Ronke Adeniyi. Our panelists, The Chief Executive Officer of Standard Mandate International (SMI), Dr. Nelson Ayodele and his members, Jeph Ighodaro, CEO Purple Admiral Foundation for Community Development, Members of The Civil Society Action Coalition on Education For All, Educationist, Students and other Participants. I specially thank our Gold Sponsors, Sona Agro Allied Industries and Euro Global limited for being here with us, making this summit a success. Our Theme this year is Education, Fundamental To National Development And Growth. Nelson Mandela once said, I quote: “Education is the most powerful weapon we can use to change the world”. We all here cannot deny that Education is a “unique investment in the present and the future.” It is also a “silent weapon” that has great impact on any nation that is willing to use it. It teaches us a lot to be successful and live responsible citizens. Globally, people’s standard of living to a great extent depends on their level of educational attainment, apart from chance factors and inheritance of wealth. The major objective in every nation is to train its citizens to obtain the essential skills and knowledge needed to engage in production thereby creating wealth to develop the nation. Education promotes the development of talents, human resources, virtues, individual personality and promotion of social, cultural and national integration. When an individual is educated, he becomes an active agent who accumulates capital, exploits natural resources, builds social, economic, political stability and unity thereby developing the nation. Any nation that cannot provide enabling environment to develop the skills of its citizens will remain in obscurity. It is obvious in Nigeria that our youths are not effectively participating in national development. Why is this, we may ask? It’s unfortunate in recent times that each year the universities turn out students who can barely write their names and defend their certificates. We see a nation that can’t guarantee her citizens the platform necessary for personal and national development and growth. We must do something urgently! Because it seems that our future is plunging back into the dark ages of the past. This is one of the reasons, Natafamdavid Consulting Nigeria Ltd using Educare Magazine platform to reach out to government, Education leaders, Private organizations that have interest and passion in education, administrators, teachers and students to a round table discussion to address the issues on how to redirect the educational sector in Nigeria so as to bring about the desired national Development and Growth. We must come to understand that the difference between developed countries and us is simply EDUCATION. Give good education to a child, then the nation is on the verge of being developed. Do we have massive land for agriculture? Then let’s provide requisite educational platform to produce graduates in Agriculture. Do we have mineral resources, Yes? Then let’s provide them the faculties, e-learning facilities, technologies, infrastructures etc. to enable them gain the knowledge and skills they need. Finally, Education leaders and experts can do better by providing the required inspirational leadership that inspires greatness and success. I am proud to announce that in this room are great Education leaders, administrators, Educationists who have passion for the transformation of education in this great nation. Together we will win this battle against academic decay in this country. Thank you. Orie Vann, Project Director - Educare Magazine HR Consultant, Learning & Development - Natafamdavid Consulting Nig. Ltd. Educators should not assume that if parents or guardians are uninvolved, they are disinterested. PHOTO: GETTYIMAGES INCREASING PARENT INVOLVEMENT IN SCHOOL S ince parent involvement relates positively to student achievement, parents are encouraged to participate in their children's education in a variety of ways both at home and in school. At home they are asked to read with their child, provide a quiet place for homework, supervise assignments, monitor television and internet use, and promote school attendance. Schools request that parents attend teacher conferences, "open houses" as well as academic, art, drama, and athletic events. Parents are invited to volunteer in classrooms, ser ve on advisor y committees, and support fund raising for special projects. Yet, many parents do not participate. Educators should not assume that if parents or guardians are uninvolved, they are disinterested. There are many reasons why parents do not become active in school life: " To o l i t t l e t i m e / w o r k schedule/single-parenthood " L a c k o f resources/transportation/child care " Language barrier/cultural isolation " Social isolation/low educational level " Not knowing how to contribute " Fe e l i n g ove r w h e l m e d , intimidated or unwelcome These barriers need to be considered and overcome if schools are to promote parent participation. What are some of the actions school officials can take to increase parent involvement? " Staff Training Training on being positive during conferences, home visits, phone calls and other parent interaction fosters participation. When educators are considerate and sensitive to a parent's ethnic, cultural and socioeconomic backgrounds, communication and cooperation can occur. Parents need to hear that their involvement will increase their child's academic performance and that there are no educational requirements for participation. Listening to parent's concerns about their child and/or their thoughts and ideas on ways the school could improve demonstrates concern and interest. If parents feel welcome, useful, and respected, they will respond. " Information Provide a parent handbook of clear, practical information including rules, procedures, and specific ways parents can be involved in the school. If many parents speak a language other than English, have the handbook printed in both languages. Notes and newsletters are an important way to keep parents informed; however, phone calls, one-to- Educare November 2019