great schools award 30 educaretechnology profile 23 USING SMARTPHONE TO SCREEN YOUNG CHILDREN FOR VISION AND HEARING LOSS H ealthy hearing and vision in early childhood are the foundation for success at school. Hearing and vision difficulties are the most common developmental disabilities in children younger than 5 years, with more than 40 million affected globally. But more than 90% of children with hearing or vision loss live in low and middle-income countries where services to detect problems early are unavailable. Called invisible disabilities hearing and vision loss cannot be identified without conducting a test. These tests, especially for hearing, have traditionally needed expensive equipment and trained health professionals such as audiologists. Without systematic screening programmes these losses go undetected until children reach school age where they often have a devastating impact on development, academic outcomes, and socio-emotional well-being. Over the last six years, I've been working with colleagues around the world to develop, implement and evaluate a number of hearing care models that can be delivered in communities using smar tphone technologies and facilitated by minimally trained people. We've been targeting poor communities in particular. The minimally trained people that we worked with included lay community members, community health workers, community care workers, and even teachers. They provided hearing-related services such as awareness programs, hearing screening, referral, follow-up and diagnostics in the children's homes, preschools, schools and in clinics. In 2016, we introduced vision screening in a pilot project demonstrating the feasibility and value of combined screening. Our most recent implementation study evaluates a service-delivery screening project in low-income communities by A community health worker screening a child's hearing in Cape Town. Ora Buerkli Educare November 2019 Educare November 2019