My first Magazine Creative Minds | Page 23

IDEATION Ideation is essentially the creative stage where you generate, communicate, and develop new ideas. An idea is understood as the basic element of thought which can be processed through visuals, and can be concrete or abstract. Ideation comprises all the stages of a thought cycle process, from innovation, to development, and to actualisation. WAYS TO ENHANCE CREATIVITY Re-visualise the concept from a different perspective/angle. Keep a positive mindset. Quick exercise, envisioning the future, and recalling the good memories. Counterfactual thinking. “What might have been?” and “What if?” elements. Daydreaming: Incubation of ideas. Changing your location. Using your surroundings to inspire and motivate you Fast brainstorming sessions. EXECUTION Execution, in a creative process, is the implementation of ones ideas and making them happen. Make a mind map, vision or concept board. Write it down. Even if the idea is not complete. Take a break. Time and space from constant ideation can allow you to have a broader mind and come up with new ones. Ask “what if” questions to alleviate pressure and avoid trying to force on the idea. Evaluate S.W.O.T. (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats). Is the idea worst exploring further? WAYS TO GET IT OUT OF YOUR HEAD