My first Magazine Creative Minds | Page 15

Improve your flow If you don’t experience ow often, there are a few different ways you can increase the likelihood of entering into one of these states. The easiest is to decrease possible distractions. In deep ow states, even the most pressing distractions have a hard time breaking through. However, if ow isn’t something you enter into easily, it can be helped along by making it easier to devote your attention to what you’re working on. CAPTURE CREATE DESIGN DISCOVER DREAM EXECUTE FLOW IDEAS IMAGINE INNOVATE RESEARCH WONDER Wo The second is by increasing the level of dif culty in the work that you’re doing. It may sound strange to say that you might enjoy your work more if you make it harder, but tasks that are below your skill level aren’t able to fully absorb your attention and leave you open to distractions. Jobs that are too easy can seem tedious as your mind is able to wander to all the other things you could be doing. If you’ve never done something before, and your level of competency is fairly low, it’s not likely that you'll enter a ow state. Flow tends to happen when the level of dif culty of your task has just a small chance of overcoming your level of competency. The challenge presented demands your full attention, and the satisfaction in maintaining control while meeting the challenge leads to enjoyable periods of work. While you can decrease distractions and increase your challenges, you’re unlikely to reach ow unless you’re comfortable with at least the basics of the work you’re doing. So, if you pick up a new hobby or start a new job, practice makes perfect, because the better you become at what you’re doing, the more likely you are to enjoy your work.