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Movie Maker - Kizoa Video Düzenleme Programı: keloğlan Movie Maker - Kizoa Video Düzenleme Programı - YOUTUBE Tales Semra Ayata-TURKEY Hikaye Uploaded by Semra Ayata on 2017-12-16. YOUTUBE Semra AYATA -Çavak Günferi Karagenç İlkokulu -TURKEY -Keloğlan "Bald boy and Emperor " - Free Books & Children's Stories Online | StoryJumper STORYJUMPER Semra AYATA-Çavak Günferi Karagenç İlkokulu -TURKEY MEVLANA-tolerance is our horse that teaches us. Who is Mevlana?  Muhammad was the real name of Mevlana who came to the world in the town of Belh on September 30, 1207 in the Horasan region of Afghanistan. Mevlana and Rumi names were later added. Mevlana is the meaning of our Lord. This name was given to Konya during the years when he served as a teacher in his youth. Bahaeddin Veled, the son of Husayin Hatibi, whose father is an authorized person in Balkh and who deserves the name of the scholar of the scholars. Momine Hanım, the daughter of Belh Emiri, is her mother. In 1225 Mevlana entered the world house in