My first Magazine BPP University Partner Brochure | Page 10

The partner process

Initial Due Diligence
At the first stage of a potential partnership , all prospective partners are asked to complete an initial due diligence questionnaire . On the basis of the questionnaire we are likely to ask supplementary questions .
BPP University understands that prospective partners will also be forming their own decisions about BPP University and the Partnerships team will endeavour to answer any questions you may have at this stage to assist you in your decision-making processes .
The information provided to BPP University at this stage forms the basis of a short report to the Vice-Chancellor of BPP University who decides on our behalf whether the discussion should proceed to the next stage . If it is decided not to proceed then we will give you reasons for the decision .
Further , BPP University , like all institutions , has a finite amount of resources to devote to the development of academic collaborations and so the discussion might not proceed past the first stage .
Legal Diligence
When the partnership is approved a contract will be created and signed by BPP University and the partner . BPP University ’ s legal team will work with the partner to produce the contract .
The legal team will require detailed legal and financial information as a part of its due diligence checks at this stage and will be able to provide the same information in return .
Only the Vice-Chancellor of BPP University has the authority to sign collaboration agreements .
BPP University Internal Process
Once the Vice-Chancellor , Dean and Board have agreed that BPP University does wish to enter into a partnership , the proposed collaboration must go through BPP University ’ s approval process .
Detailed Due Diligence
When the Vice-Chancellor of BPP University and the potential partner decide to progress with the potential collaboration , a detailed analysis will be undertaken of the potential collaborative activity itself and the prospective partner .
As a result , an Academic Due Diligence report and fully costed BC are produced .
Visit to the prospective partner institution by the academic collaborations office will be necessary at this stage . We also welcome visits to BPP University by our prospective partners .
The academic due diligence report and business case will be submitted to the Vice-Chancellor of BPP University and the relevant Dean of BPP University .
If the potential collaboration is acceptable then the documentation will be considered by the Board of BPP University . If it is decided at this stage not to proceed then we will give you reasons why .