My first Magazine Booklet - the final version | Page 52

TECHNIQUES AND METHODOLOGY OF ADAPTATION PROBLEM AND SCHOOL FEAR Examples from the process Example 10 - Bulgaria BIBLIOTHERAPY A method in alternative medicine, part of a psychological method of dealing with a particular problem in a person or child. It is suitable for stress, fear, anxiety, shyness and other emotional states in children and adults. It is based on the innate feeling of each person identifying with others. The specifics are that in each case, characters in books with similar emotional states are searched and used, thus the child can discover the essence of the problem and analyze it in his/her own way. This kind of "therapy" involves discussions between a child and a teacher, a child and a parent, playing out scenes from the books, analyzing the respective characters in them, comparing the problematic moments on the one hand and positive moments on the other, various qualities and finding a solution. The benefit of bibliotherapy is that the child sees and understands that he/she is not the only one with such anxieties and fears in the kindergarten or at home and that it is possible to find a suitable solution. Bibliotherapy helps more confined, shy children to talk about their worries or fears, increases their confidence, makes them more trusting, enhances their mood, reflects positively on children's overall literacy and helps expand their worldview. 52