My first Magazine Booklet - the final version | Page 21

WORKING TOGETHER – PARENT INVOLVEMENT Examples of activities Example 7 - Bulgaria Example 8 - Bulgaria SPORTS FESTIVITY In this activity parents' involvement in the life of the kindergarten, their commitment to the children's festivities is of particular importance. The activity leads to the formation of trustful communication between parent, child and teacher and proper interaction in the process of communication, training, education and entertainment. The sports festivity is a celebration for all – participants and spectators and joy for the children who are cheerful and happy to be together on that day with their most important people at this stage of their development. Educational game "Fly, fly ..." There are no more fun moments for the child than those when the parents get involved in playing in the kindergarten. All children and parents are around the teacher. The teacher has to name objects and when the subject "flies" all children and parents have to spread their hands to the side and "fly" and when they do not fly - they squat. Whoever fails, is out of the game. For example, it is said: "Fly, fly ... house. Fly, fly ... airplane. " To a house, respectively, they should squat, and on an airplane - to be straight with waving hands. Unintentional mistakes will add more laughter and mood. The roles are exchanged and a child is chosen to lead. Gradually "complicate" the game. For example, "a house does not fly" but can tell from what is made and whether they live in a house or a block. This will enrich the child's vocabulary. Physical activity and sport is extremely important for children because through sport they motivate themselves, discipline is being built, children improve their physical and health condition, aggression is reduced, as the excess energy accumulated in the body is distributed in a balanced way. By means of sporting events, each child manifests himself/herself – both individually and as part of a team and together with his/her parents, thus achieving a completion of the relationship between the parent-teacher and the child – a synchronous whole We communicate through playing games. The game is one of the most effective means of keeping the relationships fresh and exciting. By playing regularly, we learn to trust and feel safe. If we fill our daily life with more laughter and fun through games, we can improve our relationships with family, friends and colleagues. Games help to regulate our emotions. Through group play children learn how to cope with others and how to deal with conflicts. 21