My first Magazine Bomb-Defusal-Manual_1 | Page 9

Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes v. 1 Who's on First On the Subject of Who’s on First This contraption is like something out of a sketch comedy routine, which might be funny if it wasn't connected to a bomb. I’ll keep this brief, as words only complicate matters. 1. Read the display and use step 1 to determine which button label to read. 2. Using this button label, use step 2 determine which button to push. 3. Repeat until the module has been disarmed. Step 1: Based on the display, read the label of a particular button and proceed to step 2: YES FIRST DISPLAY OKAY SAYS NOTHING BLANK NO LED LEAD READ RED REED LEED HOLD ON YOU YOU ARE YOUR YOU'RE UR THERE THEY'RE THEIR THEY ARE SEE C CEE Page 9 of 23