My first Magazine Behavioral_dogs_and_how_to_prevent_them | Page 2
problem if they make it a habit in damaging useful things in the home. Possible causes include boredom,
anxiety, curiosity etc.
Solution - Ensure you provide items or toys for your dog to play with, and equally restrict their
movement to limited areas they where they could not do damage when you’re not around.
Although not all dogs indulge in this sort of activity but certain breeds are known have such habit.
Possible causes are boredom, trying to create a ‘safe zone’, fear, anxiety etc.
Solution - Always try to engage your dog with meaningful activities to avoid having too much free time
to engage in idle and destructive activities like digging.
Dogs like sporting activities like chasing, it excites them and gives them a feeling of ‘highness’. This is
also part of its natural predatory instincts aided by its well developed limbs.
Solution - Always have a dog leash that would come handy whenever needed. Educate your dog to have
a high IQ to be able to always be at your beck and call, and always be at alert.
Dogs do have big appetites and they are easily aroused when they see food, and could start making
begging expressions, but do not encourage this.
Solution - Do not always bring food items in its presence. Take the dog to its house or a secluded area
before bringing out food that is not intended for it. Resist their ‘beggarly’ expressions if they accidentally
meets you with food.
Dogs can show aggressiveness in different forms like barking, growling, barring their teeth in a hostile
way, biting and even attacking people when they are threatened, though their amount of aggressiveness
differs from among breeds.
Solution - Always ensure your dog is confined or on a leash if it shows aggressive tendencies a lot. Also,
do consult your vetenary doctor in other to ascertain that this is not due to a health issue.
Though at times dogs do this to show affection or greet their owners or loved ones, but this could also
be embarrassing, annoying and even downright dangerous.
Solution - Try to discourage it by ignoring it when it engages in such behavior.
When dogs are separated from their former owners, they can become angry and protest by littering the
environment with their urine and faeces, chewing on objects and useful items etc.