My first Magazine alfabe | Page 6

These inscriptions are from M . s . It is written in 550 years and is available to read in its original state as much as the day .
The Turkish alphabet , which comes to mind in Orhun abidelities , comes out in a state of being written on weapons and articles in monumental graves called Kurgan when it goes to the old periods . After death , Turkish societies , who believe in life , attach great importance to their deaths and make memorial tombs to the leading state elders and put their favorite articles in this grave . In many archeological studies we are encountering the ancient Turkish Alphabet on the products of the Kurgan tombs .
Semra AYATA-First Turkish Alphabet
When we go to the earlier periods of history , we can encounter " Ancient Turkish Alphabet " in the Roman period . We see that this work is based on the text which is called " FUTHARK " in the studies about the root of the Alphabet which we see as the Roman Letters during the periods of Roman Civilization . With the etymological studies that have been done , this article stands as a fact that we are accustomed to in the world of science where the system and the graphic are written in detail with the Orhun alphabets which confront in Asia . This is a scienti cally veri ed thesis written by Etrüksel , a Turkic Society on the Roman peninsula .
Parallel to the Roman period , we nd the traces of the same ancient Turkish Alphabet on the products that emerge in excavations especially in the Scandinavian countries . This article , which is believed to have been moved to Europe by societies migrating from the Caucasus / Caspian region , is based on the Turkish Alphabet and is scienti cally accepted with etymological studies .
Turkish Alphabet Turkish Alphabet The Turkish Alphabet , also known as the Orhun Alphabet , is the oldest known alphabet in history . This alphabet , which is frequently seen in the history sources , is seen not only in Mongolia , Kazakhstan and China but also in the Scandinavian and Latin countries , even in the Roman period .
It is not a coincidence or an error that the ancient Turkish alphabet looks on such a wide geographical area , but it is due to the fact that this deeply rooted alphabet has been used since the earliest periods of history , and the geographical area in which the writers of this writing migrated their cultures also carried it . When we descend to the origin of the Ancient Turkish Alphabet , our antagonism will rst come out of the Orkhonian writings written in the Gokturk period . These inscriptions are inscriptions written in the period of Göktürk and Uyghur States and written in wise , mostly in the form of inscriptions containing information about the history of the rulers and the country .
When it comes to the origin of the Turkish Alphabet , amazing information emerges . It is surprising that the Runic alphabet , which is confused as the Turkish Alphabet , is similar in scale to the rst alphabet used in the Sumerian Period . Scienti c circles are based on the Sumerian Civilization as the root of the Turkish Alphabet , which is accepted to have evolved from the Sumerian Inscriptions , originates from Turks .
The adventure of nding man ' s writing has rst emerged with the curiosity of drawing . The rst Asian people who started painting 30,000 years ago began to make sense of the pictures they have drawn over time . The aim of the preliminary painting was to start to be used as a means to express meaning and to develop it as symbols and intended to be read . Over time , the paintings turned into symbols by symbols , symbols by voice announcements , and these announcements by alphabet letters .
In this rst alphabet date adventure of history , the rst Turks who migrated to the Asian People , then the Sumerians and then the Asi were taken to the day-to-day lives . This writing technique , which continues to exist as Runic ( Orhun