My first Magazine 9 Industries Benefit from Web Scraper Octoparse | Page 4
Finance companies deal with massive data everyday, and mostly the data
reflects directly to investors’ money, so accurate data would be very important
for finance companies. Web scraping tools can help finance companies collect
massive accurate data in a very short time, and help them make the best
Research individuals or companies need data to support their models to prove
their hypotheses. There are two ways to obtain data, the first is to conduct a
series of experiments to find ones own data, the second, it’s to scrape down
from former researchers’ papers or database.
Lead generation
Every lead generation based company wants a tool help them scraping
customer profiles, these information are the sources of their revenue, the
accuracy, quantity and time are all important for them. They cannot fulfill three
of these at a same time manually, so they use web scraping tool to collect data.