Climate Change Session Held
Hashoo Foundation
held a Climate
Change Session on
August 23rd, 2016 in
Gilgit-Baltistan where
flood not only
affected crops and
settlements in
Monsoon Season but
also disrupted
communication and
Hussan Bano
Program Officer
(Environment) shared
possible adaptations
to the climate change
and ways to
overcome the
negative effect of this
change. 68 female
YDC boarders
participated in this
Youth Development Center at a climate change sessionGilgit on 23rd August,2016
Two Day District Level Festival Chatorkhand,
Ishkomen Valley District Ghizer
Two day district level
festival was
conducted on 20th &
21st August, 2016 at
village Chatorkhund
of Ishkomen valley in
district Ghizer with
Chatorkhand Local
Support Organization
(CLSO). The festival
was comprised by the
performances of
musicians, singers &
folk tableaus of
school children from
all around the district
Ghizer and Hunza.
Women actively
participated in the
festival and displayed
stalls of different
locally made
Mr Arman Shah,
member of Gilgit
Baltistan Council
appreciated CKU's
and Hashoo
Foundation's efforts
towards cultural
revival. He visited
different stalls and
appreciated local
farmers and female
artisans along with
school children in
their creativity.
Nearly 3500 people
participated over the
course of the festival.
Orientations for Skills Development Program
Hashoo Foundation
held orientations for
self finance trainings
in trades of Food
Preparation and
Culinary Art on 23rd
September 2016 for 30
Operation & Services
on 8th August 2016 for 23
trainees, Early Childhood
Development on 2nd
August 2016 for 28 trainees
and Young Chef Program
Lahore on 4th August 2016
for 18 trainees at Human
Development Resource
Centers of Rawalpindi &