Welcome Aboard!
Mr. Amir Hussain has
joined HF as Director
Programs. Along with
his extensive experience
in social development
he brings corporate
sector experience to
Hashoo Foundation.
With his extensive 15
years of experience in
social development and
corporate sector, Mr.
Amir is the ideal
candidate to fulfill the
mandate of HF. He has
extensive experience in
Education, Health,
Environment and
Ahmad Swati as our
Director Finance &
Operations. With his
extensive and farreaching 25 years of
experience in social
development and
corporate sector, Mr.
Attique is the ideal
candidate to fulfill the
mandate of Hashoo
Mr. Mansoor Akhtar
has joined HF as
Trainer Food
Preparation & Culinary
Arts; He is an expert in
field of the food safety
with over 10 years'
worth of experience in
developing and
implementing of Food
Safety Quality
Management (FSQMS)
and Hazard Analysis
Critical Control System
Mr. Amir has
(HACCP) in Pakistan
previously worked
with PPAF as General food and hospitality
industry. He has
Manager, First Micro
Finance Bank as Head qualification of Mphil
degree in Rural
of Social Reforms &
Special Projects, Hagler Development from
Allama Iqbal Open
Bailly Pakistan as
Senior Socio-Economic University and B.S
(Hons.) in Agriculture
Expert, Oxfam UK as
in Food Technology.
Program Officer and
Mr. Mansoor has
Dawn Group of
Newspapers as District previously worked
with Pearl Continental
Hotel Peshawar &
Mr. Attique Ahmad
Rawalpindi as Quality
Swati: It is a pleasure to Assurance Manager/
have Mr. Attique
Sous Chef, Bol Media
Mr. Moinuddin Khan
has joined Hashoo
Foundation as a
Program Officer at our
Core Office Islamabad.
Mr. Shah Alam: We
He has done his
welcome Mr. Shah
Masters in Philosophy
Alam who has joined
from National Defense
Hashoo Foundation as University Islamabad
a Senior Manager
and worked with South
Asian Federation of
Development at our
Exchanges (SAFE), as a
Core Office Islamabad. Manager – Events,
He holds a dual
Publications & Member
Master's degree in
Relations. We believe
Social Anthropology
that he can contribute a
and in Theology from lot for our company's
University of Peshawar. success and
He brings with him
improvement. Good
vast experience from
Mr. Doulat Jan: We
organizations like
welcome Mr. Doulat
World Vision
Jan who has joined
International, USAID
Hashoo Foundation as
Agri Support Fund
(ASF), IRC and SRSP. Trainer – Information &
Mr. Khurram Saleem: Technology. He will be
We are pleased to
based at Project Office
introduce Mr. Khurram Rawalpindi. He has a
Saleem who has joined BSCS degree from
Hashoo Foundation as Barani Institute of
an Assistant Program Information
Manager at our Core
Technology and has
Office Islamabad. He worked with reputable
holds a Masters Degree organizations namely
in Human Rights and Friends Hospital and
Democratization from Cad Cam Macro. We
Sydney University and wish you all the best!
one in Development
We are excited to have
Studies from Iqra
University Islamabad. you all.
Group as Executive
Chef & Associate
Manager Food &