My first Magazine 2 | Page 10

The Muffled Song Mountain of Chitral of the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP) support nearly two hundred bird species. Unfortunately, many of these are facing threat of extinction due to habitat loss, environmental changes and illegal hunting. Himalayan Snow Cock is one of the permanent dwellers of these high mountain which is being ruthlessly hunted. These lines by Shams Uddin attempts to highlight the issues. With neck outstretched, standing tall The bird formed perfect bull's eye As if to serve villagers a wake-up call Just it caught the air and fluttered Perched atop the rock a Snow-cock When his life completely shattered Sang enchanting notes by 4 O'clock At the hand of a merciless poacher Only it did hunters conspicuous bleep Who subjected the bird to torture? Whilst lulling the rest into sound sleep Life with missing ecological chain Merely a few scramble up the scree Will certainly be a source of pain Covering the clump of juniper tree Let's talk peace with God's creature They wore the mask of white fox To add to own life valuable feature Negotiating rocks to reach the crux Waited for the daylight to rise To get to the source of voice Parading against the dimly sky Star of the Month (Shams Uddin)