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Hidden Figures Movie Review: Theme

t h e m e

Through the film, we have learned the value of diligence and faith.

Mia Angelica Cunanan

In the film, the main characters were evidently affected by the Jim Crow laws in their country which made racial segregation and thus, discrimination legal. They did not allow this to deter them, however, and instead, they persevered through the indifference and pushed through with their duties to help their motherland. In my experience, I encountered the hardship of losing someone very dear to me: my grandmother. This made me feel hopeless because she had been my rock ever since I was born. I felt as though I could not go any further because no one was at my side and I was on my own. However, I chose to fight and prove to myself that I am capable. I held onto my faith in God and in the faith that things shall turn out alright eventually. I also focused on exerting tremendous effort in my studies because I told myself that this was how I could pay her forward for the sacrifices she made for me.

Elaine Cueva

Katherine, Mary, and Dorothy's intelligence demanded respect. What's more, despite the fact that they were dealt with negativity at times, they held their heads down and took the necessary steps until their talents radiated through. They broke the norms ever so often (Mary enlisted in an all-white school to take night classes; Katherine challenged authorities sometimes). In any case, they impacted the world forever as a result of their boldness and refusal to acknowledge a mediocre status. As I grow up, I start to encounter all kinds of people- some I love, some I could live without, some I learn from.Yet, there are individuals who draw out the worst in me. A few people attempted to bring me down and tried to make me think low of myself. They tried to make me feel useless and like I wasn't good enough. The women inspired me to be unbothered to that sort of individuals. They taught me that I can't control the manner in which somebody will treat me; however, I can totally control my reaction to it. They disregarded the judgemental individuals who were obstacles in accomplishing their goals. Thus, they achieved their dreams.