Huntington Beach , California
Neighborhood : Economic Stats and Charts
Huntington Beach |
Orange County |
California |
Income Per Capita |
$ 43,016 |
$ 34,817 |
$ 30,318 |
$ 28,930 |
Median Household Income |
$ 83,252 |
$ 76,509 |
$ 61,818 |
$ 53,889 |
Unemployment Rate |
3.6 % |
3.7 % |
5 % |
4.6 % |
Unemployment Number |
3.99K |
60.7K |
976K |
7.4M |
Employment Number |
107K |
1.58M |
18.4M |
152M |
Labor Force Number |
111K |
1.64M |
19.4M |
159M |
Median Sales Price vs . Unemployment
This chart shows the relationship between employment and home prices in a metro area . Employment is a good measure of the strength of the local economy . Generally speaking , the better the job market , the more likely home prices are rising .
Data Source : Moody ' s Analytics : economy . com
Update Frequency : Monthly
Median Sales Price Unemployment
Unemployment Rate
This chart shows the unemployment trend in the area of your search . The unemployment rate is an important driver behind the housing market .
Data Source : Bureau of Labor Statistics Update Frequency : Monthly
Huntington Beach Orange County California USA
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