My First Magazine 1 | Page 24

RECIPE FLAKES Ingredients Half a pound butter One cup of ice water A pinch of salt Four cups wheat flour An egg yolk powdered sugar Plenty of oil for frying Steps 1. Flour, salt, sugar, siftings. Add butter, mix with your fingers (the dough must be dusty). 2. Add the egg yolk, little by little the water (we should not knead too much) the mixture should adhere to our hands. Set aside and cover with kitchen towel (it is better in the fridge so that it takes consistency). Enharinamos our work table, with roller extend the dough (should be very thin). 3. Portion long and irregular pieces. In abundant hot oil (previously) fry in batches (should be golden). Remove, drain, reserve on absorbent paper, while still hot sprinkle sugar.