My First Magazine 1 | Page 16

FLAG FROM A CONTRY: GERMANY FEDERAL REPUBLIC OF GERMANY It is a country, member of the European Union, organized as a federal parliamentary republic with capital in Berlin. With one territory, formed by 16 federated states. Its population is the second largest in Europe (after European Russia) with more than 82.8 million inhabitants. Fourth largest world economy in terms of nominal GDP and first in Europe. The majority of German universities are state-owned. All universities have to pay administrative taxes, which are between 50 and 200 euros. Germany has a temperate climate. Christianity is the majority religion, with 48 million followers. FOOD Pork, beef, and poultry are the main varieties consumed, often in the form of sausage. TOURISTIC PLACES Munich: Home of the Oktoberfest, one of the best cities in the world to live in. Berlin: Restaurants, museums, galleries, bars, architecture. Berlin Wall Stuttgart: Headquarters of Mercedes Benz and Porsche Cologne Cathedral: Gothic style Neuschwanstein Castle: Medieval Style MUSIC European classical music, Bach, Beethoven, Wagner and industrial metal such as Rammstein and Lacrimosa. FAMOUS PERSONS Land of scientists, writers and thinkers, such as Albert Einstein, Marx, Heisenberg, Max Born, Fahrenheit, Nicholas Copernicus, Hertz, Humboldt, Gauss, Zeppelin, Diesel, Benz, Goethe, Kant, Hegel, Engles, Nietzsche, among others. TRADITIONS It has Christmas, carnival and Easter, but also wine festivals, the Oktoberfest, a festival where you go to drink beer, eat sausages and dance. CURRIENCY More than 1500 different types of sausages are produced in the country. Second destination of migrations with more than 12 million. Renewable energies generated 30% of the country's total electricity consumption.