My first Magazine 1 | Page 6

Project Requirements

As previously stated, when we finish each episode of The Odyssey you and your partner will create a page for your children’s book that embodies what the episode is about. The page must include:

1. A picture that you have drawn (if you are creating by hand), or found (if you are creating digitally).

2. It must also include a brief description of the story written, simply, but with vivid details, so that a child would understand the story.

3. All of these pages must go in the proper order, and the story you write must make sense.

Your book must have the following:

1. Cover- with a picture, title, and your names

2. Table of Contents listing each episode and the page it appears on

3. A picture and passage for each episode in both Parts I and II.

4. You must also include the episode title on the page.

You will be graded on the following:

* Audience: does the children’s book appeal to the audience (children)?

* Color -- NO black and white only is allowed. Your book must be colored.

* Clear and easy to understand -- your reader should not get confused by either your writing or your illustration.

* Completeness -- does the children’s book give a complete telling of the proper episodes? Do you have a title page, a table of contents, and all of the episodes?

* Organization -- is the book in the proper order and is each page clearly labeled?

* Neatness -- is the book neatly done?

* Description -- does the book use vivid imagery and detailed description?

* Style -- does the book have a specific and consistent style throughout? Does it all match/ go together?