My first Magazine 1 | Page 3

Part Two: The Final Project

You and your partner are going to create a children's picture book based on the class readings of The Odyssey. Mrs. Santana will show you examples of past student work in class so you have an idea of what is expected of you. We will also take a look at actual piture books so you get an idea of how to format and style your book.

There are many episodes in The Odyssey that we are going to read as a class. Each episode needs to be showcased in your children's picture book. The actual story of The Odyssey is WAY too adult for children: there is violence, sex, drug use, and massively cruel manipulation. Your task is to tame each episode so that a child between the ages 2-6 could read this adventure story. Keep this in mind as you create each page. Every page you create must include at least one dominant image + 3-5 sentences of story. The story and image must prove you and your partner have read and understood the readings we do in class each day.