My Fertility Specialist November-January 2016 | Page 16

“ How can the couple be helped to come to With declining terms with their diagnosis? sperm health and sperm count, Fertility coach Kate Davies from Your Fertility and more people Journey takes up Zoe and Mike’s story: “Through fertility coaching, Zoe identified that the most having fertility important thing to her was to protect Mike. They both decided that they would keep this treatment, news from family and friends as Mike was really maybe now is struggling with his own feelings of masculinity and not being able to give Zoe what she needed. a good time for Mike’s reaction is one that I see so often and in men to man up many circumstances, the couple choose for the and talk woman to shoulder the ‘blame’ of infertility to ” protect the man and his feelings of inadequacy. Zoe found that she had to do everything on Mike’s timescale and there was no rushing him. He needed time to get his head around every appointment, test or result before he could move on to the next stage.” Dee Armstrong advises: “I encourage couples to talk to each other, although some men find that easier than others. Sometimes support groups can be helpful as well. I reassure them that what they’re going through is very common – it does help men to know that it’s not just them. And then we talk about practical solutions because knowing that it is possible to improve things is a light at the end of the tunnel”. There are happy endings! When a couple are told that they have fertility issues, regardless as to where the issue lays, it is a tremendous shock and a very worrying time. Fortunately for many couples they do realise their dream, one way or another. For Sally, on their first ICSI cycle, her husband had an 16 My Fertility Specialist / Nov-Jan, 2016 operation on his testicles to extract cells to try and grow sperm. It didn’t work and she says “My poor husband felt like the biggest failure”. They now have a gorgeous daughter following donor sperm Intra-Uterine Insemination. Russell Davis made a huge lifestyle decision and retrained as a Hypnotherapist, and he and his wife conceived naturally after he let go of many emotional bloc