My CMS May 15, 2014 | Page 9


3.5.7 Write legibly in cursive, leaving space between letters in a word, words in a sentence, and words and the edges of the paper.

Standard 6: Listening and Speaking Skills and Strategies

Students listen critically and adjust their use of spoken language to communicate effectively with a variety of audiences for different purposes.



3.6.1 Retell, paraphrase, and explain what a speaker has said.

3.6.2 Connect and relate experiences and ideas to those of a speaker. EXAMPLE(S): Distinguish between the speaker’s opinions and verifiable facts.

3.6.3 Identify the musical elements of literary language, such as rhymes, repeated sounds, and instances of onomatopoeia (naming something by using a sound associated with it, such as hiss or buzz).


3.6.4 Provide a beginning, a middle, and an end to oral presentations, including details that develop a central idea.

EXAMPLE(S): Make a brief narrative presentation that provides a context for an event that is the subject of the presentation. Provide insight into why the selected event should be of interest to the audience and include well chosen details to develop characters, setting, and plot that has a beginning, middle, and end.

3.6.5 Clarify and enhance oral presentations through word choice and the use of appropriate props, including objects, pictures, and charts. EXAMPLE(S):

• Use clear and specific vocabulary to communicate ideas and establish the tone.

• Make descriptive presentations that use concrete sensory details to set forth and support unified impressions of people, places, things, or experiences.

3.6.6 Plan and present dramatic interpretations of experiences, stories, poems, or plays.

EXAMPLE(S): Read prose and poetry aloud with fluency, rhythm, and timing, using appropriate changes in the tone of voice to emphasize important passages of the text being read.

Standard 7: Informational Literacy

Students use a variety of technological and informational resources to conduct research on issues and interests by generating ideas and questions, posing and solving problems, and then communicating the results.


3.7.1 Use various reference materials (such as a dictionary, thesaurus, atlas, encyclopedia, and online resources).

3.7.2 Use a computer to draft, revise, and publish writing. EXAMPLE(S): Write a poem to publishing stage.

Standard 8: Lifelong Literacy

Students use spoken, written, and visual language to accomplish their own purposes as they participate as knowledgeable, reflective, creative, and critical members of a variety of literacy communities.




3.8.1 Work with a partner or small group as authors and readers of a text and share various interpretations of the text. EXAMPLE(S): Form a literature circle in class and lead the discussion.