only the best memories to always remember
Being without you guys drove me crazy, and when I realised that days for us to go home were getting closers, and with Ruben, Antonio and Angel always there for reminding me how many days left didn't make things easy for me. Knwoing that we were going to say goodbye to each other felt unreal, it was always like a dream but the sad truth was that; it was true. I only had the best memories with you and felt like if I am going to say goodbye, I am going to lose you forever or never see you again. I knew that people come and go in life but with you GOING, my heart felt like it had been pierced by a spear. Pain was too much to endure, and I tried to remain as strong as I get, bu I couldn't. Whenever I was alone at my house, I would cry a lot because the pain was hard to endure and I know that time will heal the anguish of my wound. My father always said if you love people youu've got to let them go but never forget the memories you had with them. Guys I am truly thankful for all the times we had with one another, and don't ever doubt the love I have for you. I wish we could stay friends forever and never forget each other. You inspired me so much, and you made me feel like a Spanish person (Negro Espanole). I am going to miss all the teasing, laughing, hugs, kisses, most importantly your beautiful faces. It is extremly difficult to accept that I won't see you for quite some time. While I am not there, never stop loving each otherr, or contacting me. Whenever you need any help know that I will always be there for you. Eight months feels like it's very far but I know that it's few months before I can be united with you again in this life. I hope that even when I visit Spain I will get to see all your families and still find you the same way that you were. Never change who you, people like or friends like you are hard to find and that is why I am going to hold on toyou forever. Nothing weighs more that what our friendship is worth, not even the gold. You taught me so many great things, and have inspired me to learn more about your culture, language, music and so forth. You are my soulmates and the bond that I have with is highly exclusive.