Life is too short, live it like there is no tomorrow. This is my motto that I live by. The most important thing that I have learned was accepting myself the way I am and others for who they are. Respecting, and loving others has also been part of my life as well as making friends from all walks of life. 2013 has been the year of countless blessings and me living the life the way I want it to be. The tremendous blessing that I saw in my life was meeting Spanish people when I went to Germany as an Exchange student and actually becoming friends with these guys. This for me was a life changing experience. These were the most free spirited and down to earth people, living the life that is simple as if none of the em are having problem. I am insane about these guys and they became my friends. I have three (3) gorgeous , prettiest and amazing sisters; Maria de Lluc Ribas Gara, Inés Georgina Ribas Garau and Erika Garcia Nuñez. Also have 3 handsome, crazy, amazing and caring brothers; Ruben Romero Dominguez, Angel Luis Zurita Martinez and Antonio Muñoz Guisado .
What I know is that "Estoy loco por la gente española, demasiado amor" (I am crazy about Spanish people) and always will be. These are the kind of friends that are rare to find and I feel so blessed for having them in my life.
Estoy loco por la gente española. Demasiado amor